Friday, December 14, 2012

Holiday Get-togethers

A few days ago, I was lucky enough to be able to host a luncheon at my home for three of our longtime clients, Wanda, Chuck and Jeff, and five of their former teachers, who have known these clients since they were children. True to their nature and interests, Jeff had the menu planned practically the day after we had our annual luncheon with the same group last year. Wanda's focus was on finishing holiday cards on the drive down and to get her four 'posed' pictures in. Chuck talked all the ride to my home about his excitement at seeing the Caltrains tracks and of one teacher in particular. And once he saw her, he quickly engaged in asking his questions about who worked in what year and where did they move, and why didn't they tell him before they moved on.

For such wonderful friendships that have lasted over so many years, I certainly feel fortunate. As we ate our food, the conversation was certainly all over the map, but lots of laughs over very fond memories and the many non-sequiters that tend to pop up when so many people with different life stories get together. Our shared histories will always keep us on common grounds.

As we parted ways, we all made plans to do this again next year, though none of us can know what the next year will bring. But our time together adds one more lovely memory to our life experiences. I do feel very lucky.

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