Because of the many behavioral challenges of people with autism, (which family members are accustomed to and usually know how to get around) parents worry about how accommodating others will be when their kids do something that might be annoying, let alone destructive. Will others still find that darling little boy cute after he has poured laundry soap all over the living room couch? What about the young woman who will absolutely refuse to leave her home without her backpack of special items regardless of where she is going or if you are in a hurry? Or the man who screams frightfully whenever someone coughs? What about the woman who wants to photograph every activity in which she participates, taking up considerable time, while insisting people pose in seemingly unending combinations? Will people still be nice to them, even when understandably exasperated by these behaviors?
Joey, who is in his mid-forties, still lives at home, as his parents decided to take care of him as long as they were able. So even as his elderly mother required more and more care, Joey was always at school, neatly dressed, with his lunch made, and ready for the day. Vanessa's parents decided to place her in a group home several years ago. Many of our parents of our adult clients have their children still living with them, and the decision to place their child even when there is no other option, can be heart wrenching. The agony parents go through is excruciating to witness. But even with a group home placement, parents and families are still very involved in the daily activities and general welfare of their children. That will never end - and neither will the worry.